FAQ: Privacy
- Q- What personal information will the company collect in addition to your biological sample? A- Please refer to our Privacy Policy
- Q- Are you satisfied with its explanations regarding how it will process and protect the data? A- We expect our customers to never be fully satisfied with any company's effort to protect data. We will continually work with a reasonable amount of effort to protect customer data.
- With whom does Beverage Genetics propose to share your genetic information? A- Researchers? - No; Pharmaceutical companies? - No; Marketers - Only with explicit written consent and permission, Patient groups - No.
- Q- Have you been given the opportunity to consent to this voluntarily and in writing? A- You will be asked for consent twice. Once in the survey, and again at checkout. You are within your rights to refuse such disclosures, and there is more information on how to do so in our privacy policy.
- Q- What kind of lab performs the testing and is it certified by an accredited body? A- Trade secrets prevent us from revealing the lab, however they are publicly available and practice sterile techniques.
- Q- Will your information be processed outside Canada? A- No
- Q- How long will your personal information, biological sample and test results be retained and why? A- Biological specimens will be destroyed as soon as the biological information is used to confirm profile information. Biological data in its raw form will be deleted as soon as it is converted into a profile view. Our goal is to destroy any data that can be linked back to an individual. We will never retain information on a customer’s biological sample for more than 3 calendar years from our first engagement.
- Q- Once the service is completed and the related retention period is expired, will your sample be destroyed and your related personal information be deleted? A- Samples will be destroyed in accordance with best lab practices.
- Q- How can you access the personal information about you that is on file, including a record of how your data has been used and whether and with whom it has been shared (in accordance with your prior consent)? A- Raw data files will be shared and deleted with written request.
- Q- Do you spam? A- No. Inform us of when we’ve spammed you so we can never do it again. We will remove and destroy and information you ask of us.