Newsletter #2: Privacy Protected – Beverage Genetics

Newsletter #2: Privacy Protected

As we continue to grow and make exciting developments, we want to prioritize customer information, maintaining safe and private practices.

We’ve seen interesting growth this month. Growth that makes one understand why it’s reasonable to not want to grow too soon or too quickly. Despite that, we’re making connections with some great people and the growth is encouraging. I hope that the chronological updates below will tell some of the story. 


May 4 - Connection with David Sali, Editor - Techopia via Sonya Shorey, VP marketing - Invest Ottawa.

May 8 - 12:30 PM - 2 PM Meeting with David. Awkward unused photo above  

May 8-  4:32 PM “Good Things Brewing…” article is published

May 9 - Site traffic goes up 178% from previous day 

May 10 -  Site traffic goes up 900%. Facebook: 212 Likes, 60 Comments, 20 Shares 

May 14 - Alpha test survey released. See highlight below.

May 20 - Bulk of Alpha survey data received. 96% completion rate with ave. response time of 7 mins. 

May 26 - Custom Coffee reports issued. Packaging and production workflows established. 

May 26 - Alpha Closed. Discussions for Beta testing begin. 

May 27-31 Packaging focus group run and packaging details established. 

Privacy surrounding Customer Information

We are particularly sensitive to the challenges and fears surrounding genetic testing. We respect it might be the most personal of information out there about an individual. We hear and are continually listening to concerns and challenges that the minority of consumers may have regarding the use of genetic information. Here’s a short outline of our plans supported by both the Canadian Genetic Non-Discrimination Act and the American Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act:

1- We will never share your data. You are in full control of all information the entire time. 
2- We will destroy all genetic information as soon as it’s converted into your coffee report. We will not store genetic information in any way, shape or form.
3- We will destroy your biological sample as soon as results are generated. 
4- Your results are de-identified via barcode. 
5- A Privacy Policy will be released in time for launch that will explain in much greater detail.

What’s Next

Beta Test involving genetics and how we stop doing this for free...

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