Coffee Tasting
- 2 - 4 different coffees (10 grams of each coffee)
- Grinder set to the finer side of medium
- Scale (for measuring coffee and water)
- Timer, clock, or watch or Siri... Some timepiece
- Cupping or ice cream bowls. You can also use lowball drink cups, teacups, or regular mugs (measuring capacity should be 160ml-200ml)
- Rinse cups filled with hot water
- Soup or Table Spoons
- Kettle
- Vessel (to collect used coffee grounds)
- Mug or glass (to hold cupping spoons and rinse spoon)
- Writing pad and writing utensil
1- Arrange the bowls, spoons and coffee. An organized space means fewer accidents. Smell and observe the unground beans (dry aroma). Make notes as necessary for Survey Question 1.
2 - Grind out a bit (no need to weigh) of the first coffee to prime the grinder and discard, or keep them for a cold brew or whatever. Grinding the remaining 8 grams of coffee. Follow with this step for each coffee, starting out with 2 grams to ensure no other coffees inside the grinder will impede any flavors. Don't worry too much about the left over coffee in the grinder as priming the grinder works well.
Grind each coffee to a coarse setting, and it should look similar to coarse sea salt. It's ok if it's a little finer than course.
3- Heat up water to about 93 degrees Celsius or 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Any normal kettle will do.
4- Add 8 grams of coffee to a cup on the scale.
5 - Start timer for 4 minutes, and pour approx.150 g of water in each bowl.
6- After about 4 minutes, mix 3 times then push the grounds off the surface of the cup. Look and Smell for the wet aroma. Make notes for Survey Question 1 and 2.
7- After about 4 minutes - start breaking the crust of all cups by pushing the coffee grounds out of the way of the liquid. Rinse between cups. Take your time and let the coffee cool.
8- Taste by slurping. The goofier the sound - the better. Make notes and answer Survey Question 3.
9- Taste again - The cooler coffee will taste different and you will spot differences between them as you go thru it again. Make notes and Review your answers to Questions 1-3.
Submit your survey!
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